Why You Should Tell Your Doctor That You Use CBD

Posted by Yammy CBD on May 16th 2022

Why You Should Tell Your Doctor That You Use CBD

CBD and products derived from it are completely legal in the U.S. You know that. As such, there may be a temptation to avoid telling your doctor that you use CBD. Maybe you want to keep it to yourself out of fear that your doctor might misunderstand what you use and why you use it. We get it. But it is still important to tell your doctor.

Everything we put into our bodies has the potential to interact with everything else. The reason for informing your doctor about CBD consumption is simple: CBD may interact with prescription medications your doctor might otherwise recommend for you. Even if interactions do not prove to be terribly harmful, they could still affect your health.

Drugs Can Inhibit One Another

One of the big concerns with CBD is that it might inhibit the actions of other drugs. For example, Penn State researchers who have developed a new drug interaction tool for cannabinoid users and their doctors says that cannabinoids may interfere with the way the body metabolizes warfarin.

If you are not familiar with warfarin, it is an anticoagulant for people whose bodies don't do such a good job at forming blood clots. If the drug is metabolized improperly, it will not do its job. Knowing that you use CBD would be important to your doctor in the event that they wanted to prescribe warfarin for you.

To date, there are no known adverse effects from consuming CBD. And as far as we know, no serious drug interactions have been reported among CBD consumers also making use of prescription drugs. That is not to say that negative interactions cannot occur. The possibility is always there.

Take the Opportunity to Educate

It is a good idea to tell your doctor that you consume CBD. Don't think of it as a privacy issue. Think of it as an opportunity to improve your health and well-being while simultaneously educating your doctor. Think about it. If your doctor does not know you use CBD, they also don’t know what CBD does for you.

Explain the products you use and why you use them. Explain how CBD makes you feel. You may find that your doctor is genuinely interested in learning more about one of the world's most popular cannabinoids. And if not, the knowledge will at least help your doctor better understand what types of prescriptions are most appropriate for you.

Your Whole Health History

Those of us who use things like broad-spectrum CBD oil and CBD gummies feel good about ourselves for taking a more holistic approach to health and well-being. Some of us wish our doctors would take a similar approach. They can be encouraged to do so by patients willing to give a complete health history with every visit. The more information we can give to our doctors, the better equipped they will be to adopt a more holistic approach to our care.

CBD is just one component in overall health and well-being. Consuming hemp oil twice a day is not going to make you the picture of health all by itself. To optimize your health, you also have to exercise, eat right, and see your doctor when you're not feeling well. Your doctor needs your entire health history to determine the best way to treat you.

CBD brings a lot to the table. It is gradually becoming one of the most sought-after natural substances for promoting good health and well-being. But just remember it could interact negatively with prescription medications. That is why your doctor needs to know that you consume CBD.